Step 0. Getting to know each other

Our journey begins with an initial meeting, where we find out what you need. We prep for the meeting with a questionnaire you fill in to outline your project or business. We’ll have a WordPress wine or PowerCoffee together.

The first meeting is on us and lasts 1 – 2 hours

Step 1. Analysis

How can someone who knows nothing about you make a website for you? How do we know that we are genuinely creating a website that fulfils your requirements and also helps your clients? The output from this phase is the information we need to decide what we do next.

Depending on the project, the analysis takes 1 – 3 weeks

  • UX workshop
  • Competitor analysis
  • User research
  • Website data analysis – Google Analytics
  • Personas and their priorities
  • Setting project goals / design criteria

Step 2. Solution design

In this phase we put together everything we have learnt and draw up the first iteration of the solution. We need to go through a bit of trial and error before we hit on the final design.

Solution design takes us 2 – 3 weeks

  • Identifying important outputs of the analysis
  • Designing wireframes and/or prototype
  • User testing
  • Graphic design

Step 3. Development

We breathe life into our design! Have you come to us with finished designs? No problem: we have no trouble following up the work of a good graphic designer and merely take care of the implementation phase.

Implementation can take 2 – 6 weeks

  • Front-end coding – HTML, CSS, JS
  • Custom functionality development
  • Third-party API integration
  • Team code review
  • Testing

Step 4. Launch and training

We will teach you how to work with your new website. As fanfares play in the background, we will migrate it to your hosting site (we can also help you with that).

Training and launch can take 2 – 3 days

  • Training in WordPress administration
  • Content upload demonstration
  • Migrating the new website
  • Ensuring old URLs are rerouted
  • By agreement, backing up your old website or importing content